В таком случае пребывание здесь душевнобольных, думаю, пошло бы им на пользу. Курортные условия благотворно действуют на психику. Вот только непонятно, зачем свечи над обеденным столом? Их же всё равно зажигать нельзя — потолок тут же закоптится. Чисто в декоративных целях? Или это электрический светильник, имитирующий свечи?
An object worthy of attention, an architect has tried to integrate an object in the environment…
Realization of a strict design line is visible, I really do not understand the critique of an unlikely successful and modern project.
An object worthy of attention, an architect has tried to integrate an object in the environment…
Realization of a strict design line is visible, I really do not understand the critique of an unlikely successful and modern project.
Не получилось. Интерьер гораздо тяжелее, чем окружающая природа. Каменный мешок с огромными окнами, с перепадами высот. То ли над водой, то ли под землёй. А вот экстерьер выглядит лёгким (тот уголок, который показан).
Сдаётся, что дизайнер раньше занимался магазинами. Как-то всё витринно.
Simple, different weight categories.
When an architect works with clients with a limited budget, it's hard to understand the customers who see the world not economizing but using added value making the world more beautiful…
Simple, different weight categories.
When an architect works with clients with a limited budget, it's hard to understand the customers who see the world not economizing but using added value making the world more beautiful…
Not always a large budget guarantees a good result. Besides, this cottage doesn't look cheap.
Realization of a strict design line is visible, I really do not understand the critique of an unlikely successful and modern project.
Realization of a strict design line is visible, I really do not understand the critique of an unlikely successful and modern project.
When an architect works with clients with a limited budget, it's hard to understand the customers who see the world not economizing but using added value making the world more beautiful…
When an architect works with clients with a limited budget, it's hard to understand the customers who see the world not economizing but using added value making the world more beautiful…
Но опять интерьер начался с гардеробной.
Какой контраст между заливом с яхтами и видом на огромный город.